traffic light (pedestrians/cars):
small simulation of traffic light (pedestrians/cars)
where the different phases of the traffic light would
be emulated kind of realisticly.
Meant that if
push-button is pressed, the car traffic light will have a
short "yellow" and e.g if car traffic light got "red"
there will be a delay until pedestrians get "green" ...
that's how it looks like (in doubt, please download original AVI from top right ~34MB):
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- Arduino UNO
- 2x red, 1x yellow und 2x green LEDs
- 5x 220 Ω resistors
- 1x 10k Ω resistor
- 1x push-button
- ... and a few cables
![[ Verkehrsampel_Steckplatine_klein.jpg ]](arduino/Verkehrsampel_Steckplatine_klein.jpg)
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Quellcode ampel.ino
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7-segment-display x2:
Two 7-segment displays are driven by 2x 74HC_HCT4094 Shift Register ICs.
This results in using only 3 I/O-ports from Arduino.
In this sample code it will be continously counted from 0-99 and backwards.
that's how it looks like (in doubt, please download original AVI from top right ~34MB):
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- Arduino UNO
- 2x 7-segment displays
- 2x 74HC_HCT4094 shift register
- 4x 330 Ω resistors
- ... and a lot of cables
![[ 7_Segement_x2_Steckplatine_klein.jpg ]](arduino/7_Segement_x2_Steckplatine_klein.jpg)
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sourcecode Sieben_Segment_x2.ino
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greetings via LCD-Display:
shows a colorful message onto a mini TFT display.
The "screensaver", that can be deactivated by pressing the button, is a picture of Bender (bendx.bmp), which
is stored on a SD-card (on the backsite of TFT).
The TFT modul ST7735R is a 132 x 162 pixel 262K colour display with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
and access (via SPI as well) and slot for mini SD-card.
The mandatory library ST7735 + examples and picture (bendx.bmp) can be found in download section.
that's how it looks like (in doubt, please download original AVI from top right ~48MB):
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- Arduino UNO
- 1x ST7735R (color single-chip TFT + mini SD-slot)
- 1x mini SD-card
- 1x 10k Ω resistor
- 1x push-button
- ... and a few cables
sourcecode gruesse.ino
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temperature + 7-segment-display x4:
shows the current temperature measured by TMP36 Sensor on a 7-sement x4 unit.
The temperature range is: -9.9℃ − 99.9℃
(for Ireland a range of -5.0℃ − 18.0℃ would be more than enough! ☺).
that's how it looks like (in doubt, please download original AVI from top right ~37MB):
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- Arduino UNO
- 1x TDCR1050m (7-segment x4)
- 2x 74HC_HCT4094 shift register
- 1x TMP36 Sensor
- 10x 330 Ω resistors
- ... and a lot of cables
![[ temperatur_Steckplatine_klein.jpg ]](arduino/temperatur_Steckplatine_klein.jpg)
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sourcecode temperatur2.ino
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traffic light
- sourcecode ampel.ino
- circuit
(made with "Fritzing") - video (~ 34 MB) ampel-schaltung.avi
7-segment-display x2
- sourcecode Sieben_Segment_x2.ino
- circuit
(made with "Fritzing") - video (~ 39 MB) 7-Segment_x2.avi
greetings via LCD-Display
- sourcecode gruesse.ino
- video (~ 39 MB) lcddisp_gruesse.avi
- picture of Bender bendx.bmp
- library + examples + documentation TFT18.rar
temperature + 7-segment-display x4
- sourcecode temperatur2.ino
- circuit
(made with "Fritzing") - video (~ 39 MB) temperatur.avi